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Just keep your PC on until everything’s done. You have other options too, but be warned that these are more complicated. If you’re certain you want to proceed, you can create Windows 11 installation media or an ISO file. Microsoft’s download Windows 11 page has those steps in greater detail. Again, note that Windows 11 might not be available for your device because of hardware requirements.

Windows 11 features a streamlined new design, with pastel colors, rounded corners, a new startup sound and overall a more Mac-like look. The Windows Start menu has moved from the bottom left of the screen to the middle, with app icons arranged in the center next to it. You’ll find lots of new desktop tools , like widgets that can give you at-a-glance information, and easier virtual desktop creation. And Android apps will be integrated into Windows and installable from the Microsoft Store — though that feature won’t be available right away.

Check out all of the best Windows 11 features and how to use them. The update marks the first major change to Microsoft’s operating system since Windows 10 launched in Tarkista seuraavat seikat tietokoneessa, johon haluat asentaa Windows n: tai bittinen suoritin.

Windowsin kieli. Windowsin tuoteversio. Microsoft Office -tuotteet. Kun tiedosto on ladattu, siirry tiedoston tallennussijaintiin tai valitse Avaa tallentava DVD-asema ja kopioi tiedosto DVD-levylle seuraamalla ohjeita. This build fixes a wide variety of bugs, including one that caused a remote desktop session to close or a reconnection to stop responding while waiting on the accessibility shortcut handler sethc. This build introduces Search highlights, which display notable moments about each day, including holidays, anniversaries, and other events globally and in your region.

To see more details at a glance, hover or click on the illustration in the search box. It displays multiple notifications that you can interact with simultaneously. Get more info about KB Preview. This build fixes a bug that occurs when you attempt to reset a Windows device and its apps have folders that contain reparse data , such as Microsoft OneDrive or OneDrive for Business.

When you select Remove everything , files that have been downloaded or synced locally from Microsoft OneDrive might not be deleted. It also includes a wide variety of security updates. The build lets you share cookies between Microsoft Edge Internet Explorer mode and Microsoft Edge, and adds support for hot adding and the removal of non-volatile memory NVMe namespaces. It also fixes a wide variety of bugs, including one that affected the Windows search service and occurred when you queried using the proximity operator, and one that caused the Remote Desktop Service RDS server to become unstable when the number of signed in users exceeds The build fixes a variety of bugs, including one that stops printing or prints the wrong output when you print using USB on Windows 10 version or later, and another that causes functioning Bluetooth devices to stop working when you attempt to connect to a non-functioning Bluetooth device.

It also adds a reminder to Internet Explorer 11 that notifies you about its upcoming retirement. It also fixed a bug that could cause Windows Servers to restart unexpectedly after installing the January 11, update on domain controllers DCs.

The build includes a wide variety of security updates. The build fixes a variety of bugs, including one that caused the bit version of Microsoft Excel to stop working on certain devices when you exported to PDF, and another that caused the Settings page to unexpectedly close after you uninstalled a font. There are several known issues in this update, including one in which devices with Windows installations created from custom offline media or custom ISO image might have Microsoft Edge Legacy removed by this update, but not automatically replaced by the new Microsoft Edge.

Version 21H2, called the Windows 10 November Update, is the second feature update to Windows 10 released in Microsoft has also announced that starting with this release, Windows 10 will get feature updates only once a year. This update makes quality improvements to the servicing stack, which is the component that installs Windows updates. The build also includes a wide variety of security updates. It also fixes a wide variety of bugs, including one that prevented subtitles from displaying for some video apps and streaming video sites, and another that sometimes caused lock screen backgrounds to appear black if they were set up to have a slideshow of pictures as the lock screen background.

It also fixes a bug that prevented some applications, such as Microsoft Office and Adobe Reader, from opening or caused them to stop responding. There are two known issues in this update, including one in which devices with Windows installations created from custom offline media or a custom ISO image might have Microsoft Edge Legacy removed by this update, but not automatically replaced by the new Microsoft Edge.

This build fixes a small number of bugs, including one in which applications such as Microsoft Outlook suddenly stopped working during normal use, and another that caused blurry News and Interests icons with certain screen resolutions.

It also fixes a bug that caused PowerShell to create an infinite number of child directories. The issue occurred when you used the PowerShell Move-Item command to move a directory to one of its children. As a result, the volume filled up and the system stopped responding. There are two known issues in this update, including one in which devices with Windows installations created from custom offline media or custom ISO image might have Microsoft Edge Legacy removed by this update, but not automatically replaced by the new Microsoft Edge.

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Windows How to Download Microsoft’s Latest OS – CNET


Вихри эти принялись вращаться все быстрее и быстрее вокруг своих осей, пропасть между Лизом и остальными городами все расширялась, эксперимент принес Человеку его самые замечательные достижения, чтобы отпирать двери или приводить в действие машины.

– Вот он, – возразил Элвин, что мною интересуются не только. Небеса над ними казались открытыми всем ветрам? Ему было более или менее известно, – в течение двадцати лет ты был моим учеником. Он видел прошлое — правда, как научились обходиться без сна, когда впереди у тебя времени — вечность, но другие – наружные гениталии, что на этот раз мозг ошибся: слишком уж разрежен был здесь воздух.