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Graphic Design Stack Exchange is a question and answer site for Graphic Design professionals, students, and enthusiasts. It only takes a minute to sign up. Connect and share knowledge within a single location that is structured and easy to search. I have been using Fireworks from the start. I am still using Fireworks CS5 because my needs are so basic and Fireworks just works.

But I am starting a new project that will require 3 to 4 hours a day creating web-graphics for Instagram users to post and share. Super simple text with shadows over a collage of cropped images with inset bevels.

No-brainer stuff. Just grunt work. Fireworks version ? I use Affinity Designer as a replacement for Fireworks. I also use Graphic by Picta which is pretty good too, but vector only. I can only assume you are seeking a replacement because Apple’s latest OSs will not run CS5 applications. Apple’s newer OS’s aren’t great or worthy of upgrades in my opinion. Again, just my opinion, but I see nothing after OS So, keep your current OS and CS5. The “fear of missing out” due to not upgrading has to be overcome..

This one can be huge. The OS is merely a platform. Anything it does I can do on an iPad or even an iPhone.. But that’s merely my take on things. I don’t strive to be or gain any happiness from knowing I’m on the “bleeding edge” of things if that edge causes more trouble than benefit. In short.. Heck no.. Then there’s always a dual boot system if you don’t have the “newest” Apple models with firmware lockouts. Then merely boot between them as needed on the same Mac or use a virtual machine through something like Parallels Desktop.

It inevitably comes down to what works and is easiest for you to use. If I wanted to dump Fireworks for something newer I’d be exploring Sketch. I’ll point out that I currently don’t use Sketch, but from what I’ve seen it has the highest potential to fill the gaps I would need filled where web content is concerned if Adobe crashed and burned tomorrow. But then, I have CS6 and a system that runs those applications..

Photoshop can do this as well, and with the benefit of actions, some parts of this repeating workflow could be automated, possibly reducing your hours a day. For a simple interface the latest Adobe stuff let you customize the interface and you can basically hide everything you don’t need from the menus. You want something cheap and simple for social? Just use Keynote. It may seem a little strange but it actually works great. The type rendering is decent, the effects are simple and it may already be familiar.

Just set up some master slides to size and voila! Chris Do at The Futur does it great. Does FW 5 still work with Windows 10? I’ve been using FW 4 for a decade, but the Batch process for resizing and renaming jpegs has been temperamental for a while now – as in not batching them all. And it’s frequently freezing in the latest Windows For the last 27 days I have been using Affinity Designer to create on average 60 graphics a day for a total of graphics for photographers.

Adobe Fireworks was wonderful, but there is a smoothness with Affinity Designer I love. Sign up to join this community. The best answers are voted up and rise to the top. Stack Overflow for Teams — Start collaborating and sharing organizational knowledge. Create a free Team Why Teams?

Learn more about Teams. Adobe Fireworks – the best replacement? Ask Question. Asked 2 years, 8 months ago. Modified 1 year, 7 months ago. Viewed 7k times. Okay yes back in and similar questions were asked. Improve this question. Lucian Mark Mark 1 1 silver badge 4 4 bronze badges. Avoid fixing things which aren’t broken. At least you seem to have respected that principle, but now you have became suspicious.

You have a good reason. Any day Apple can fix something and that fix breaks your unsupported software. After it happens we will never know if Adobe has paid for that special fix or had Adobe refused to pay something or was the breakage born only as a side product of some real fix. If a piece of legacy software is so valuable, prepare an isolated, maybe virtual legacy system where it can live undisturbed.

Get a contemporary alternative, too. Learn to use it.. All valid points and great philosophy too. Add a comment. Sorted by: Reset to default. Highest score default Date modified newest first Date created oldest first. Improve this answer. Craig Pickering Craig Pickering 3 3 bronze badges. Who knows next years ‘Black Friday’ I might even buy it at a discount. I will probably try upgrading to CS6 in the meantime to see if I get some additional longevity.

Fireworks just works for me. Thanks everyone. Affinity Designer solved my Fireworks upgrading problem. Keep using FW CS5 if it works for you. No one EVER states you need the “latest and greatest” if what you have works. I always ask myself 2 questions when considering an OS Upgrade What new features do I need in the upgrade? If the answer is “none” then why upgrade? What compatibility issues with existing software will an OS upgrade cause?

Scott Scott k 21 21 gold badges silver badges bronze badges. Lucian Lucian You can probably make it even easier by building a photoshop action to run as a batch across a directory. Want some lightweight. I started with photoshop in 96 or 97 when doing printed catalogs for the plumbing industry. Then I switch to doing exclusively web-graphic and Fireworks 1. Photoshop is just too heavy.

I’ve done batch processing back when I hosted over 16, photographer websites using Fireworks. This new project will not lend itself to batch processing because the images are people’s portraits which need to be cropped and collaged according to ‘group’ of photos. Batching is great, but not here. And it’s frequently freezing in the latest Windows 10 Does Affinity allow batch process for size and name? Affinity Designer 5Stars!!!

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Top 16 alternatives to Adobe Fireworks for Mac – Top 8 Adobe Fireworks Alternatives


Here we also discuss the introduction and Alternative of Adobe Fireworks along with explanation. You may also have a look at the following articles to learn more —. By signing up, you agree to our Terms of Use and Privacy Policy. Find out more about new jQuery mobile themes, improved CSS support, quicker access to color, and other features introduced in this latest version of the leading software for creating beautiful designs for websites and mobile apps.

Change colors more quickly with an improved color swatch. Save time and preserve your design’s integrity by cleanly extracting CSS elements and values such as color, font, gradient, and corner radius using the new CSS Properties panel. Create, modify, or update jQuery themes for mobile websites and apps, including CSS sprite images. Quickly switch between solid, gradient, and pattern color effects. Apply opacity control separately to Fill and Stroke dialog boxes to achieve better control and precision.

Change colors more quickly with the improved color swatch. Photoshop can do this as well, and with the benefit of actions, some parts of this repeating workflow could be automated, possibly reducing your hours a day.

For a simple interface the latest Adobe stuff let you customize the interface and you can basically hide everything you don’t need from the menus.

You want something cheap and simple for social? Just use Keynote. It may seem a little strange but it actually works great. The type rendering is decent, the effects are simple and it may already be familiar. Just set up some master slides to size and voila! Chris Do at The Futur does it great. Does FW 5 still work with Windows 10? I’ve been using FW 4 for a decade, but the Batch process for resizing and renaming jpegs has been temperamental for a while now – as in not batching them all.

And it’s frequently freezing in the latest Windows For the last 27 days I have been using Affinity Designer to create on average 60 graphics a day for a total of graphics for photographers. Adobe Fireworks was wonderful, but there is a smoothness with Affinity Designer I love. Sign up to join this community. The best answers are voted up and rise to the top. Stack Overflow for Teams — Start collaborating and sharing organizational knowledge.

Create a free Team Why Teams? Learn more about Teams. Adobe Fireworks – the best replacement? Ask Question. Asked 2 years, 8 months ago. Modified 1 year, 7 months ago. Viewed 7k times. Okay yes back in and similar questions were asked. Improve this question. Lucian Adobe Fireworks has been made specifically for web artists for quickly making complex application interfaces and website prototypes.

This is because Fireworks comes with a number of features which are especially useful to web artists and developers who need to create quick and interactive web pages. One of the biggest advantages of Adobe Fireworks, and probably its most important feature, is its flexibility.

Fireworks offers designers and developers with a wide range of flexible features that allow them to manipulate and change images without having to write or modify any script or application programming language. These include features like manipulating bitmap images, modifying dimensions and colors, hiding backgrounds and removing unwanted files and menus. Aside from being very flexible and user-friendly, Fireworks allows web designers and developers to add new features, as well as modify existing ones, without having to rewrite or cut and paste code.

Another advantage of using Adobe Fireworks in developing websites and other applications is that it allows web developers and designers to use a uniform set of tools across different operating systems and platforms. Besides being very flexible and easy to use, Fireworks also comes with a large number of benefits and advantages, such as being highly flexible and compatible across different operating systems and browsers.

Moreover, Adobe Fireworks also provides users with complete control over how their images are displayed. Fireworks also comes with a variety of tools for image editing and image processing, including a fully featured Adobe Photoshop online tool, a Flash builder and a built-in image editor. Furthermore, Adobe Fireworks can also be integrated with other software like CorelDraw, DirectDraw and Paint Shop Pro, resulting in a unified designer and artist workspace.

With all these amazing features and capabilities, it’s no wonder that Adobe Fireworks is considered by many to be the best editing and designing software available on the market today.